Little Leaps

Did you know feelings of courage decrease by 50% when you say “I Can’t” and increase by 50% when you say “I Can”?

What happens when you choose I Can’t…?

When you say to yourself that you can’t do something what you are really saying is, “I am not willing to do it differently” or “I don’t want to do it.” Either way whichever one you choose is fine but it’s worth checking in to see how often you choose” I can’t” over “I can”.

Every time you choose “I can’t” you leave the door to expansion closed. If you are unwilling to ever open that door and explore what is behind it then you will never expand beyond the zone of sticking with what feels familiar to you. That’s how you get caught up in the “I can’t” trap in the first place. If you never explore life beyond what you already know, then you never allow yourself to be curious about discovering different things and become unconsciously resistant to trying new ways of being.

What happens when you choose I Can…?

When you say “I can do this” then you are saying that you are willing and open to step through the door to expansion and explore whatever lies beyond it. Just by saying “I can do this” doesn’t mean that you know how to do it but it shows that you are open to trying it and you’re prepared to find the way one step at a time by continuing to repeatedly tell yourself that you can do something new.

I use this technique a lot whenever a piece of technology breaks and I have no clear idea how to resolve it. First I acknowledge that I feel disheartened then I start to say to myself that “I can do this” and I repeat it three times like a mantra. The process of doing that allows me to to open up my curiosity and explore what’s going on. Sometimes, I take a break from trying to fix it, sometimes I think of who could help me but just by being in the moment I find that clarity and possible resolutions start to appear.

What are you choosing moment by moment?  

Saying “I can” or “I can’t” takes the same amount of energy and time. You don’t use any less energy by choosing one over the other, but choosing ‘I can’ or “I can’t” will lead you in different directions. When making a choice you emotionally and mentally walk in the direction of wherever that choice leads you.

If you choose “I can’t” then you turn towards the direction of your limitations and move deeper towards them by justifying to yourself all the reasons you can think of as to why you can’t do something.

When you say “I can” you choose to explore whatever possibility is opening up for you. You turn away from limitation and towards your expansion. If you were about to climb a mountain for example, first you would need to face the mountain and then move towards it before you could scale it.

Explore the invitation to choose “I can” with these Little Leap questions:-

  • What is the simplest little leap that I can take today to explore something new as a healthy stretch for me?

  • What is the simplest little leap that I can take today to be more encouraging to myself?

  • What is the simplest little leap that I can take today to welcome in a new, healthy way of being?

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Soul Whispering