Free 7 Day Emotional Reset

Releasing Emotional Overwhelm One Step At A Time

3 Easy Steps To Access Inner Calm…

Watch A Daily Video

Dissolve Any Stuck Feelings

Build Emotional Resilience

How Does The Emotional Reset Work?

Every day for 7 days you will receive access to a different and unique Emotional Release video.

Each video will gently guide you to release any unwanted, stuck or uncomfortable emotions.

You will receive a daily email with a link to access that day’s video, along with additional tips and encouragement to deepen your experience.

If you wish, you can journal any thoughts, ideas, insights or experiences that you have as part of your Emotional Release process so that you can record your progress.

Do the videos in order for the first 7 days. After that you can watch them again at any time and in any order you choose.

So let’s get started, join the 7 Day Emotional Reset now and take your first step on the path from broken-hearted to whole-hearted.

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.
— Buddha

Easy to Follow Daily Video Guide

Day 1 - Welcome Your Insecurities In A Gentle Way

When a relationship ends you may be left with insecure feelings that make you doubt yourself and wonder if life is passing you by. Take a few moments to explore those feelings so you can gently release them, clear any mental fog, feel internally balanced and get ready to take your next step in life.

Day 2 - Reduce Your Self-Doubt 

Self-doubt arises when you don’t want to leave any room for mistakes but being overly cautious also stops you from taking the actions that would help you to feel more secure. Find out how to recognise and balance feelings of doubt and trust, so that you can make clearer and better-informed decisions. 

Day 3 - Stop Making Yourself Wrong

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking everything is your fault when things go wrong, so why not open up to the possibility that others may be equally responsible? Experience what it’s like to remove your metaphorical blinkers and see the bigger picture of what life has to offer. 

Day 4 - Acknowledge That Your Heart Is Hurting

The more that you resist allowing yourself to recognise that your heart is hurting, the harder it becomes to heal it. Use this easy to follow technique to gently connect you to the process of feeling the hurt in your heart so that you can then allow it to naturally subside. 

Day 5 - Is Trusting Your Heart A Bad Idea?

When you are feeling emotionally raw it’s easy to get caught up in some kind of internal battle between what your head wants and what your heart needs. This simple emotional release exercise will quickly and gently bring calm to both, so that you can feel more at peace with yourself.

Day 6 - How Much Do the Opinions of Others Matter?

When life changes in a major way, it often affects others too so their opinions could matter an awful lot. Use this emotional release exercise to help calm your inner world, gain more clarity about your relationship with yourself and others and feel encouraged to communicate more openly and honestly.

Day 7 - What If Your Challenge Is To Tackle Things One Step At A Time?

The lifestyle changes that follow a relationship breakdown can feel challenging and overwhelming. This gentle release exercise supports you in taking one step at a time along your path to emotional recovery so you feel assured that your own pace is good enough to get you to where you want to be. 

Experience What A Guided Emotional Release Feels Like

Holistic Emotional Release helps to process painful and negative emotions more healthily by releasing the internal build-up of stressful, unwanted or stuck energy that often accompanies them.

It is a simple but effective way to deal with any overwhelming feelings so that you gently release them rather than allowing them to turn inward where they can build to the point where you believe that the things that go wrong in life are somehow all your fault.

Safely processing your feelings helps you to develop and grow as a person so that you can become who you want to be. How? By creating a positive outcome rather than just going through the motions of life every day feeling that you are simply too agitated to even begin to think how you might change things for the better.

Use these Emotional Release videos whenever you feel you need to so that you can free yourself from emotional overwhelm and any underlying hurt. By welcoming the possibility that someone or something is not the real cause of your pain but your response is, you can transform your emotional state so that you feel free from worry, hurt or guilt.

That way you will look at things more objectively, without blame or pain blurring your thinking or looking to seek approval from someone outside of yourself. When you do that, you will finally feel empowered to just be you and to recognise which of life’s opportunities to say “Yes!” to.

CLICK To Watch The Self Empowerment Emotional Release Video Series